12/03/2025 | Added a short Mercury FM clip going into the news from April 1996. Thanks to Jason Tanner. | |
04/02/2025 | Added another Rock Show from 1989 with Danny Pike and Judith Falcon to the Radio Mercury audio page. Thanks to Alexander Baron. | |
05/01/2025 | The Paul Lee Rock Show from Feb 1989 has now been added to the Radio Mercury audio page. Thanks to Alexander Baron. | |
02/12/2024 | David Arnold jingles for WR Wiltshire Radio 1982 & 1983 have now been added. | |
31/08/2024 | Added Gwent Broadcasting (GB Radio) jingles by David Arnold from 1983. | |
07/08/2024 | Updated the 1984 Radio 210 David Arnold jingles to high quality. | |
08/06/2023 | Some additional version have been added into the 1984 Radio Broadland jingles by David Arnold. | |
05/02/2023 | Added the 1986 jingles for Mercia Sound by David Arnold. | |
24/01/2023 | Added the 1985 launch jingles for GWR by David Arnold. | |
27/11/2022 | The last hour and 22 minutes of the closure of Radio Victory on the 28th of June 1986 has been added. | |
21/10/2022 | Added a couple of missing Southern Sound jingles from the early 80's. Also the audio for the first main package has now been upgraded. | |
19/05/2022 | Presenter acapellas for Andy Ivy, Clare Martin & Steve Power have been added to the Southern Sound audio page. | |
26/04/2022 | Radio West 1984 jingles by David Arnold have now been added. | |
18/04/2022 | Added studio pics from the late 70s to the Radio Victory page. Thanks to Paul Lee. | |
07/04/2022 | Slightly improved the quality of County Sound Premier Radio & Delta Radio jingles. Also tidied them up as they used to be spit into many parts (from the old days when everyone was on dial-up and we were using free hosting with max file sizes of 6Mb)! | |
08/03/2022 | The 1980's Fix-it Phone-in theme tune has been added to the LBC audio page. | |
01/03/2022 | Added various photos of Broadfield House and studios to the Radio Mercury page. Thanks to Paul Lee for sending these in. | |
30/09/2021 | The 2nd theme tune for Andrew Marshall Meets the Stars has been added to the Radio Mercury audio page. | |
13/09/2021 | Timbo recordings for Essex Radio have been added including a complete Timbo show from 1983. Thanks to Sean Cuthbert. | |
24/08/2021 | Added higher res programme guide and presenter photos for Radio Mercury and higher res photos for Southern Sound. | |
03/06/2021 | The 1st 3 jingle packages for 2 Counties Radio (2CR) have now been added. | |
29/05/2021 | Ocean Sound 1986 jingles by LBS have now been updated to a very high quality version of the complete package. | |
17/04/2021 | Added Paul Lee Radio Mercury Quiz Bits (part 1 & 2) plus Berlin Wall Operation Santa Claus clips featuring Simon Osbourne & Paul Lee. | |
2/03/2021 | Now added the first hour and a half of the Essex Radio launch plus an extra hour from later on. Features Paul Lee, Jon Scragg, Dave Gregory, Lindsay King etc. Thanks to Paul Lee. | |
28/02/2021 | Added more Essex Radio Paul Lee shows from the 1980's including Saturday Supergold (Apr 1983) and the rock show before the FM frequency change (07/11/85). Thanks to Paul Lee. | |
22/02/2021 | The second set of jingles by David Arnold for Essex Radio (1983) have now been added. | |
20/02/2021 | Some of the jingles and other audio has been added for Piccadilly Radio including some of the pre-launch test transmissions. | |
13/02/2021 | Added a few documentaries aired in the 80's and 90's to the Swansea Sound audio page. Here's parts 1 & 2 of one of them (Hurray for the Last Great Adventure): | |
05/02/2021 | A long 1983 air check of Paul Lee covering the Timbo Roadshow in Grays has been added to the Essex Radio audio page. Also added a recording of him covering the Timbo show. | |
27/01/2021 | Added a very good recording of Paul Lee's Drive Time from 1984 to the Essex Radio page. A lot of great adverts on there too. Thanks to Paul Lee. | |
13/01/2021 | Original Southern Sound acapellas & presenter IDs have been updated. There was a tape speed problem so they were slightly off key but I think I've now fixed it! | |
15/12/2020 | Paul Lee evening show clips from 1987 & 1989 have been added to the Radio Mercury audio page. | |
06/12/2020 | Added a lot of photos to the Essex Radio page. Thanks to Paul Lee for sending these over! | |
16/11/2020 | Christmas blooper tapes from 1987, 1990 & 1991 have been added to the Radio Mercury audio page - Warning: Contains some swearing! | |
08/11/2020 | Now added the full package of David Arnold jingles for Essex Radio 1981 in high quality. | |
01/11/2020 | Added Paul Lee Drive Time aircheck from 1983 to the Essex Radio page and also the 1982 blooper tape. Thanks to Paul Lee. | |
30/10/2020 | Paul Lee (The Hairy Eyeball) 1982 aircheck added to the Essex Radio page. Thanks to Paul Lee for this. | |
15/06/2020 | Paul Holmes Drive Time from 1978 has been added to the Swansea Sound page. | |
14/05/2020 | Original Southern Sound acapellas & presenter IDs have been added. See More | |
26/04/2020 | Clips of David Legge & the Sunday night team from 1987 have been added for Southern Sound. Includes a short bit of Paul Evans After Mid night. | |
24/04/2020 | Added high quality audio of the Marcher Sound 1983 jingles by David Arnold. | |
20/04/2020 | US versions of the TM Century Southern Sound & Ocean Sound Classic Hits jingles have now been added | |
17/03/2020 | Added an air check of Steve Power from 1988 to the Southern Sound audio page. | |
03/03/2020 | Top 20 re-run and music machine audio has been added for Southern Sound. | |
23/02/2020 | Some 1986 David Arnold extra instrumentals have been added for the Radio 210 Sounds of your Life section. | |
11/02/2020 | The South Tonight theme tune has been added to the Radio Mercury audio page. | |
03/02/2020 | The Sound of Success jingles for Southern Sound has been updated to include all of the versions in higher quality. | |
29/01/2020 | New jingles promos with Chris Copsey & an Ouse Valley relay promo have been added to the Southern Sound audio page. | |
25/01/2020 | Overnight off air announcements for Invicta Radio and Southern Sound have been added. | |
22/01/2020 | Added some Steve Power Evening Show Bits from 1986 for Southern Sound. | |
20/01/2020 | Air check of Sporting Sounds Extra with Tony Millard, Kevin Cotton, David Beckett, & Neil Crespin added to the Southern Sound audio page. | |
18/01/2020 | Added air checks of Russell Pockett & Martyn Blunt to the Radio Mercury page. Includes advert for East Grinstead glass. | |
14/01/2020 | High quality versions of the Invicta Sound 1984 jingles have now been added. | |
13/01/2020 | Recording of Keith Butler closing down Radio 210 for the night plus the off air announcements has been added. | |
06/01/2020 | Simon Blaxland's First Late Show has been added to the Southern Sound audio page. |
01/01/2020 This year we are celebrating 20 years on the web with a new look and a new name! Welcome to LocalRadioArchive.co.uk and a Happy New Year to you.
04/10/2019 A recording of the Richard Gwynn show on Southern Sound from 1989 has been added.
29/07/2019 Added the Last Steve Power Southern Dozen from Sep 1989 and his last evening show from the night before to the Southern Sound Audio page.
24/06/2019 Our links page has now been updated. It was long overdue!
06/06/2019 There is now a link to a long recording of the Timbo Show from early 1985 on the Southern Sound and Radio Mercury audio pages.
26/05/19 Added links to Tommy Boyd's facebook group and soundcloud audio files for Southern Sound. Added info for who is shown in the Southern Sound studio pic.
20/05/19 A collection of the best bits of the Tommy Boyd show added to the Southern Sound audio page. Also added another version of the Southern Sound/Radio Mercury programme share jingles.
12/02/19 Added the first 90 minutes of the launch of Southern Sound in it's entirety! Thanks to David Cunningham for this.
05/02/19 The full jingle package for Southern Sound 1987 by David Arnold has now been added.
21/01/19 Added the theme tune for the Tommy Boyd show and a piece of incidental music also used on Tommy's show (on the Southern Sound audio page).
01/01/19 Radio Mercury 1984 individual jingles used on air have been added.
03/03/18 Added a very high quality version of the Radio 210 "Sounds of Your Life" main theme.
08/02/18 Added "The Will to Win" production music sometimes used on the Timbo Show (Radio Mercury & Southern Sound) and Advertising World (LBC).
03/02/18 Added jingle packages for Orwell FM and Saxon FM (early 90's) by LBS.
06/12/17 Finally tracked down the full versions of the Commercial Break Fill-in Music used for programme sharing on Radio Mercury and Southern Sound! These are now added to their audio pages.
06/07/17 Radio Victory 1970's jingles added as well as Jane Young reporting on the disabled.
03/06/17 More Swansea Sound audio added: Phill Fothergill, Mike Menner Drive Time & a Chris Harper jingle.
29/05/17 Added Adrian Jay's show from 1976 and Alan Robert's show from 1980 to the Swansea Sound page.
18/05/17 Logos for all of the stations we currently have material for have now been added to the main index page.
30/03/17 Added a long section of Timbo's final show on Radio Mercury from 1986.
17/01/17 Some Swansea Sound bits have been added to the audio page.
26/12/16 Added a studio picture from 1983 for Southern Sound and some of the additional jingles from around the launch date including a few of the original presenter IDs. Please email if you can supply us with the complete set! Thanks.
22/05/16 Added the original Invicta Sound logo and advertising rate card from 1984.
08/01/15 A new year and a new look
for This is ILR. Still tweaking some bits but all the links should
work. If not then please email me (email address is shown at the bottom
of the page)!
15/07/10 This is ILR is back! As all of
the ILR stations in my local area are now Heart, it's time to resurrect
this site so you can hear what Independent Local Radio should be. There
isn't time to do many updates these days but to kick us off, high
quality audio of Mercury's Heart of the South jingles have been added.
21/07/07 Added 1978 & 1980 programme guides for Radio Victory
11/07/07 High quality copy of the Radio 210 Closer to you jingle package by Alfasound added.
01/01/07 Added the Christmas Carousel record to the Essex Radio audio page. Also added a magazine from 1985 for Radio 210.
29/09/06 Audio of the pre-launch flexidisc and also various scanned images have been added for Radio Broadland.
13/09/06 Radio Broadland 1980's jingles added (see the audio index page).
01/09/06 Added jingles for Radio Orwell, Saxon Radio and South Coast Radio to the audio index page.
06/05/06 A much better quality recording of the 1981 Essex Radio theme has been added.
02/04/06 Added a Radio 210 article from 1977 (contains some early presenter photos).
18/03/06 LBC 1984 jingles added. Also added one of the David Matier commercials to the County Sound audio page.
31/01/06 Added info sheet and programme guide from 1977 for Radio Victory.
More LBC and Capital air checks from the 1970's added including
commercials, news jingles, Peter Young, Michael Aspel & Kenny
02/11/05 Added a few bits of audio for Isle of Wight Radio.
19/07/05 Added Power FM jingles (AJ, Century21, Jam) to the Ocean Sound audio page.
05/06/05 Mercury Extra and Fame 1521 jingles added to the Mercury audio page.
01/06/05 Added The County Sound newspaper from 1986 to the County Sound page.
Improvements made to the sound quality of some of the first Mercury
acapella jingles. Also added CD quality versions of some of the first
Invicta Sound instrumental jingles.
30/04/05 Mercury FM 1995 jingles by Alfasound added.
29/04/05 Added more old presenter photos for Capital Radio.
28/03/05 1992 Classic Hits Ocean FM jingle package by Jam added.
20/03/05 1992 Classic Hits Southern FM jingle package by Jam added.
Complete, high quality versions of the Southern Sound and Ocean Sound
classic Hits news jingles have been added (David Arnold).
13/01/05 Added Invicta Super Gold jingles and a few "best music" air checks to the middle of the Invicta air checks file.
19/11/04 210 FM jingles from 1992 now added and also Classic Gold Radio jingles also on the 210 audio page.
17/10/04 Hits and Memories jingles for 210 FM by Century 21 added.
18/09/04 Added some of the Essex Radio jingles by AirForce and an aircheck of "Auntie Damien" Prescott on the Mercury page.
06/09/04 Invicta FM jingles by Century 21 added.
18/07/04 Now added Capital jingles from the 1990's.
11/07/04 Added the rest of the 1980's jingles for Capital FM and Capital Gold.
02/07/04 Test transmissions and air checks for Ocean Sound, Light FM, Gold AM and Power FM added to the Ocean Sound audio page.
A few early Southern Sound airchecks have been added: Steve Power
shutting the station down for the night and the overnight off air
announcement featuring Bob James.
06/05/04 Added Invicta's "The Best Music" jingles by David Arnold.
25/03/04 Southern Sound Classic Hits jingles added (we only have the UK sung versions at the moment).
26/02/04 Ocean Sound Classic Hits jingle demo and the opening of Power FM added to the Ocean Sound audio page.
05/02/04 Added the second jingle package for Ocean Sound.
03/02/04 Air Checks of the 3rd Southern Sound jingle package added.
26/01/04 Added the next jingles for Southern Sound (sax news bed package).
02/01/04 Added Stereo MP3 versions of all audio files for all stations. Also changed site to a new layout with frames. Back as thisisilr.co.uk and not just thisisilr.org.uk.
24/12/03 Added Delta Radio jingles to the County Sound audio page.
Next County Sound jingles (with First Gold and Premier) added. Also
added the voice overs that go with the previous jingle package.
Added Capital Radio news out jingle next to the news in one. Also added
a few extra jingles for the first Jeff Wayne LBC jingle package.
Hot Rocking/Music power jingle package added for Capital Radio.
www.thisisilr.co.uk domain name now changed to www.thisisilr.org.uk
(www.thisisilr.co.uk working again as of Jan 2004).
Extra cuts and re-sings added for the County Sound Alfa jingle package.
Next County Sound jingle package (with US vocals) also added plus the Premier
FM service jingles.
12/01/03 Extra logos for Capital,
Mercury and Radio 210 added. A-Z of Capital leaflet and 1980's program info
added. Also clearer logo and presenter photo for Invicta Radio added.
30/11/02 Added audio highlights and photos of Mercury FM's 18th birthday party.
23/09/02 Uploaded more 1980's commercials for Southern Sound and a few for Radio Mercury.
08/08/02 Added airchecks of Sean Bolger's last show on Southern Sound (plus picture) and the next set of Capital Radio jingles.
More early airchecks for Radio Mercury added including the RPO concert
at the Fairfield Halls, Andrew Marshall Meets the Stars and an April
Fool for the Independence of Mickleham!
09/06/02 Added jingles and air-checks of the Timbo show (Radio Mercury/Southern Sound).
16/05/02 Added air-checks and presenter photos for Capital Radio including loads of Kenny Everett recordings.
14/05/02 Added early logo, air-checks and presenter photos for Radio Victory. Added LBC theme for jingle package 5.
Re-added missing sound files and split them into smaller chunks than
before. Added extra versions of the theme for LBC's second jingle package.
Added Timbo poster for Mercury and Southern Sound. Corrected Radio
Victory information as they were not on cable and normal FM at the same
06/01/02 Added original programme line up and a bit more info for Invicta Sound.
05/11/01 Added high quality stereo sound files for LBC and Capital Radio.
16/10/01 Added second jingle package for Invicta Radio and extra commercials for Capital Radio 1970's.
Added many airchecks for Essex Radio, Invicta Sound and
Radio Mercury. Also added a few additional airchecks to the original
files for County Sound, Southern Sound and Ocean Sound.
05/09/01 Added airchecks of various eras for Radio Victory and Radio 210.
More airchecks and Kenny Everett bits added for Capital Radio. Plus,
extra jingles and better quality recordings of the first jingles have been added.
14/08/01 Added quite a few airchecks & jingles for LBC including the first ever news bulletin.
Have added a much better quality version of the original Capital Radio
news jingle to the beginning of the long jingles/news audio file. Also
changed the setup of the whole site so that sound files can once again
be easily saved to your own PC by right mouse clicking.
30/06/01 Added 'The Sounds of Your Life' jingles for Radio 210. Added an extra logo for LBC and two for Capital Radio.
Added more logos & information/programme sheets for Essex Radio,
County Sound & Radio Mercury. Added more logos for Southern Sound.
Added more logos for LBC, Capital & Radio 210 plus more presenter
photos for Capital & Victory. Also, programme guides for Victory
& Radio 210.
20/04/01 Added better quality logos for
Capital Radio, Radio Victory, Radio 210, Essex Radio, County Sound,
Invicta Sound and Ocean Sound. Also moved all html to new web host
14/04/01 Added the launch newspaper and the next set of jingles for Southern Sound.
03/04/01 Added the next set of jingles for Capital Radio, a recording of the opening and more info about the first jingles.
29/03/01 Corrected various information for Radio 210.
23/03/01 Updated information for first LBC, Capital Radio and County Sound jingles. Also added early air-checks for Radio 210.
11/03/01 Set domain name to point to new host (virgin.net).
07/03/01 Corrected LBC information as the LBC name was not dropped by Crown Communications.
05/03/01 Added more info for Airport Information Radio's Heathrow service (Radio Mercury).
21/02/01 Added MP3 versions of the Southern Sound theme etc.
14/02/01 Added logo and pictures for Airport Information Radio (Radio Mercury).
Added more details for Airport Information Radio (Radio Mercury).
Corrected information for name change from Invicta Radio to Invicta FM.
This happened before the Capital takeover, not after.
08/02/01 Added photo and info for the Tommy Boyd Sunday show (Southern Sound).
Added link to Capital 604 (South Africa) from Capital Radio page. Also
link to the history section on the Capital Radio Group website.
28/01/01 Added mid 70's trailers and first Jeff Wayne jingles for LBC.
23/01/01 Slightly changed layout of all pages so that they display better in browser.
Created the recent updates page which you are reading now. Changed font
colours for presenter photo pages (Capital & Southern Sound).
Changed email link to go straight to thisisilr mail account instead of personal account.
20/01/01 Enabled map on main page to link into the info pages for the stations shown. Added funky background to links page.
17/01/01 Added Test transmissions and the opening of Southern Sound.
Added dates for the opening of Ocean Sound's Power FM & Gold AM.
Placed new domain name (www.thisisilr.co.uk) at top of main page.
14/01/01 Added logo for Ocean Sound and added original programe guide for The Light FM.
Corrected info for Ocean Sound. The Light FM started at a later date
than the East and West services, not on the same date.
Changed font colour to a lighter blue for main text. Corrected info for
Invicta Sound. It only lasted for 6 months before a name
change to Invicta Radio. Also LBC was listed as changing ownership in
1994 but it actually lost it's licence.
08/01/01 Added Johnny Muckslow's name as the presenter of Southern Sound's Razmajazz.
Corrected Southern Sound original frequency to 1332 not 1323KHz.
Corrected Radio Victory info as it closed due to loosing the franchise,
not necessarily financial reasons.
07/12/00 Second upload
of site. Moved to Fortunecity due to the disk space required. Now
contains full packages for early jingles. Site beginning to be listed on
a few search engines.
27/08/00 First upload of site. Hosted with Freeserve. Contains just the main themes for each station.
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